Where I was. Where I am. Where I will be.

Asia, travel, TRAVEL


This blog has been a little dead lately, so I am pretty sure that 80% of the people who clicked on this post know me, in a way or the other. You were, still are or just stepped into my life recently. Since a fraction of my life is out on display in the wild wild web, it’s kind of obvious that a life update might spark up some curiosity. Fun fact is that I am not even doing it for you reading it. For the most part it’s for me.

Baloise Session: a winter festival retrospective

Festivals, Music

Season changes often mean a lot of things. First of all, we can free ourselves from some fabric layers, but as well the suspence rises high while awaiting one of spring’s best parts: festival line ups releases. While last summer was pretty disappointing in this matter, my favourite winter festival visit at Baloise Session was a hit, as always.

Lagos – Wildchild.

Europe, Portugal, travel, TRAVEL

I am a Portugal fan. It started by getting there on a solo trip by accident, not really knowing what to expect, besides lovely towns full of tiles and the wild Atlantic roaring in my face. From day one, I was dragged into this beautiful country filled with beautiful sights and very diverse regions that kept me on going back whenever I had the chance to. This year I was lucky enough to allow myself to explore the south side. The awes where a lot, the disappointments very few. Welcome to Lagos, ladies and gents.

Disconnect to Reconnect: the Learnings (part 2/2)

Europe, Portugal, travel, TRAVEL

I already ranted about our online culture and how we are sometimes getting further away from real connections, to others and our own core. I told you about the opportunity I had to live at the Offline House, away from what I know, between strangers and pine trees. Now it’s time to let you know what I learned on a tiny weekend getaway.

Disconnect to Reconnect: my weekend at the Offline House (part 1/2)

Europe, Portugal, travel, TRAVEL

Do you remember the times where you were out on a trip and had to ask for directions because you were clearly lost? When you sat in a café during your break and glanced to an actual newspaper, with actual pages to switch your mind off from work related stuff a little? Or,  when was the last time you sat on a bench in being fully aware of every detail of your surroundings? Do you remember a full day spent without your phone in your hand / in your pocket / in your purse? Me neither.

My 7 Tips for Solo (Female) Travel

travel, TRAVEL

Getting out in the world can be challenging. And even if there’s a lot of people doing so, I encounter the statement “I could never travel alone” quite often, when I tell people I am about to do so. My answer to that usually is “But did you ever try?”. It still seems to hold people back, so I decided to put together this little guide. And even if these are my 7 tips for solo female travel, they can easily apply to dudes as well. Because the most common fears apply to both. At least I think.

Zermatt Unplugged 2018: Winter’s gone.

Europe, Festivals, Music, Switzerland

There is one event I look forward to every year, which makes me tick winter as almost done, let’s say almost a celebration. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you probably know it already: I am talking about Zermatt Unplugged.

Koh Phangan: Tribe.

Asia, koh phangan, travel, TRAVEL

If you’re here to read about buckets and full moon parties, you might be disappointed. This is a little love story between me and Koh Phangan.

Vegan Shakshuka

Holistic Badass

One of the things I always look forward to when I travel is to taste new things and learn more new recipes. Last week, one of my dreams came true, I visited Israel and was overwhelmed about all the tasty hummus I was able to try everywhere and by eating Shakshuka for the first time for breakfast. Can’t wait to share some travel tales, but let’s talk food first! I created my own little adapted version, I hope it raises some middle eastern vibes for you!

The Holistic Badass (…what?!)

Holistic Badass

This blog was born almost four years ago, and if you follow it since the very beginning, you could tell that there has been a little change on my website. I thought many times about opening a new website for this matter, but I decided that a separate chapter on the same blog would have been more appropriate. Do you think I am gone nuts? Nah, I’m just opening up a little more on my journey.